Indie Apps & Games News

The latest news about applications and games from independent developers


Saboteur 2 – An enhanced 48k mod by thealfest for the ZX Spectrum!

Now here’s a blast from the past and a game that I remember as being one of the best action-adventure games I had ever played on the Amstrad CPC 464. It’s ‘Saboteur II’ developed by Clive Townsend and released by… Continue Reading →

The Great Giana Sisters arrives on the Commodore Plus/4 and it looks fab!

Many of you already know of this game especially Amiga and C64 owners as this game has huge similarities to Super Mario and as such way back in the 80’s also had an alleged lawsuit case against them from Nintendo…. Continue Reading →

Lock’n’Chase – Another brilliant Arcade to Commodore 64 port by LC-Games!

LC-Games is certainly no stranger to Indie Retro News, creating brilliant titles such as Bagman Comes Back, Tutankham, Tutankham Returns, Mike Mech, Scout the Stray, Santa’s Troubles and our personal favourite Arcade to C64 game of Dig Dug. But another game has just caught our attention and… Continue Reading →

Pang+ – An enhanced version of a brilliant Arcade game for the Amstrad Plus and GX4000!

In 1989 the Mitchell Corporation released the top of its class Arcade game ‘ Pang ‘, which was later ported over to a multitude of systems by Ocean including the C64, Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum Amiga, MS-DOS and Atari ST…. Continue Reading →

Kommando Urbex – Another Amstrad CPC game release by Altanerus Dog

Thanks to another heads up by both XeNoMoRPH and Saberman, we’ve been told that Altanerus Dog has released a new Amstrad CPC Adventure game of ‘Kommando Urbex’. A game in which you must not only explore an old agricultural complex from… Continue Reading →

Party Speedway Extended – A high speed tiny pixel sprite C64 racing game is teased

I’m a huge top down racing fan, from games such as Micro Machines to Supercars and Indy Heat on the Amiga. Well here’s another top down racing game you might like to try that was recently teased on the Commodore… Continue Reading →

ARLO – Check out this awesome ZX Spectrum game by Packobilly

If you’re looking for a very cool game to play right now at home on your speccy, then we have just been told by Saberman through Facebook, that you can now play Packobilly’s high quality ZX Spectrum game of ‘Arlo’…. Continue Reading →

Foggys Quest – John Blythe‎’s ZX Spectrum hit arrives on the Amstrad CPC

I’ve just found out through Twitter that John Blythe, the same creator behind the excellent ‘The Incredible Shrinking Professor’ and the electrically charged ‘Circuitry’, has teamed up with Ayor61 and released the Amstrad CPC and GX4000 version of ‘Foggy’s Quest’: a charming… Continue Reading →

Mutant Mushrooms – This Robotron style shooter looks great on the ZX Spectrum

Bit of a late hour news story from us at Indie Retro News, as thanks to Saberman contacting us through Facebook, he has told us that The Death Squad, has made available the rather cool looking Robotron style shooter for the… Continue Reading →

Abu Simbel Profanation Extended – Classic ZX Spectrum platformer ported to the C64 and extended in 2017/18 (Re-released via itch io?)

Prepare to scream profanity at your keyboard because one of the "most difficult games of Spanish Software History" has been re-released as a converted and extended version to the C64. This game titled as ‘Abu Simbel Profanation’ was the third… Continue Reading →

FLEA! 2 – Liked VVVVV? Then you might like this NES demo by LowtekGames

Next up on the list of demos available to download and play, and yet another upcoming NES game to be announced through itch io, is a new game for the NES by LowtekGames called FLEA! 2; a very challenging VVVVV… Continue Reading →

WinUAE 5.2.0 – The latest Amiga emulator release!

After many months of beta updates with a ton of fixes and improvements, today is the day that Toni Wilen has released a brand new WinUAE version 5.2.0. This is probably the best version of the Amiga emulator so far,… Continue Reading →

Jump ‘n Bump – Multiplayer mayhem with Cute bunnies in this WIP Commodore Amiga OCS game!

It wasn’t long ago now that we gave you the heads up, that the 1998 game of ‘ Jump ‘n Bump ‘, which was released for MS-DOS and as a later remastered version, was coming to the Commodore Amiga, by… Continue Reading →

Savage Princess 2 – A Charmingly creepy platformer for the ZX Spectrum by Monsters Legs Productions

Once more the ZX Spectrum is getting a great game mention, as thanks to both Monsters Legs Productions and also our good friend Tez Rowlands contacting us just recently, we’ve been told you really should be checking out the action… Continue Reading →

Neon World – An early Arcade shooter for the Amiga by cobour, with a new demo build

Thanks to Saberman contacting us just moments ago through Facebook, that he has told us that Cobour has made available another early build of his/her in progress Shoot-em-up hobby-project for the Amiga called ‘Neon World’. A game that when finished,… Continue Reading →

Bubble Bobble looks great on the Atari 7800!

Prepare to have your minds blown , especially if you have an Atari 7800! As we have just found through Liqmatrix, that during Jan of this year, OldStyle and Bobby Clark had released an update to their incredible work in progress… Continue Reading →

Alice Sisters – After 3 years of development this game is now available for the Atari Falcon computer

Every time I post the latest Commodore Amiga news, I always get the same response through Facebook , with one such user saying " Atari Falcon When? ". Well thankfully today we can help you out! As thanks to Liqmatrix… Continue Reading →

Kielbasa Empire – A high quality WIP C64 game from Ordered Chaos Design gets a new demo

The news just keeps on coming, as just moments ago we were informed by our good friend and Youtubber Saberman, that Ordered Chaos Design has made available a new demo for their upcoming C64 game ‘Kielbasa Empire’; A rather cool… Continue Reading →

Silhouette Threat – A new Amiga AGA demo developed with an Artistic style by lionagony

Something slightly different for this evenings entertainment, as Saberman has just contacted us to let you all know, that lionagony has made available an early demo of the upcoming Commodore Amiga AGA game of Silhouette Threat. An action platformer that was not only… Continue Reading →

Silent Hill 4: The Room – Konami’s 4th game in the horror genre gets a review from Cola Powered Gamer

Silent Hill 4 was considered the black sheep of the series for a short period and caused one of the first schisms among the fans. A somewhat new approach to the series, but still retaining the spirit of the series…. Continue Reading →

Classic NES game ‘Duck Hunt’ has been unofficially released on the Commodore Amiga!

We always try to keep you up to date with the best in Amiga news, but boy do we have a surprise for you. As if you’ve ever had a Nintendo and a Light Gun, then you’ll be pleased to… Continue Reading →

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