Indie Apps & Games News

The latest news about applications and games from independent developers


2005 Mobile game ‘Doom RPG’ comes over to the Amiga 1200 and above

Here we are with another special announcement, as if any of you remember the 2005 mobile phone game of ‘Doom RPG’; a game developed by Fountainhead Entertainment combining the Doom first-person shooter franchise with role-playing video game elements. Then as… Continue Reading →

Prince of Persia has been converted over to the Commodore Vic-20 and it’s well worth a play!

Another interesting story for you all, as we have just been told by VIPER’s Retrogame videos, that the all time classic platformer of ‘Prince of Persia’; a game which was released for many different systems back in 1989 by Broderbund…. Continue Reading →

Genesis – A rather cool Arcade Shoot ’em up for the ZX Spectrum by Retroworks

Retroworks are a group of very talented European programmers who make some excellent games for some of our favourite retro computers including the Spectrum, Msx and Amstrad cpc. The Arcade Shoot ’em up ‘Genesis’ for the ZX Spectrum 128k is… Continue Reading →

The 8-Bit Wars – A new game from Luca Bordoni and team for the ZX Spectrum

Thanks to Saberman contacting us this afternoon through Facebook, we’ve been told that Luca Bordoni and team has released the arcade ZX Spectrum game of ‘The 8-Bit Wars’. A game in which you play as the adventurer Bob Smith, on… Continue Reading →

Flying Shark – WIP Flying Shark remake for the Commodore Amiga 500 gets a new demo

Another Commodore Amiga news story has appeared in our inbox, as we’ve recently found out through the EAB forums, that the previously announced game of Flying Shark. A new Arcade to Amiga remake by Magnus T together with JMD and… Continue Reading →

Phoenix – 1980’s Arcade game by Taito is coming to the Amiga via JOTD

JOTD is certainly no stranger to Indie Retro News, especially with announced Arcade to Amiga conversions/ports such as Moon Patrol, Donkey Kong, Tetris 1200 (AGA), Super Bagman, Karate Champ, Galaxian500 and our personal favorite Super Xevious. Well it looks as if he’s not going to… Continue Reading →

Grind – A first person shooter for Amiga 500, made with the amazing Dread-Engine! [New Update]

If you’re looking for more gaming news on this upcoming first person shooter of ‘Dread’ for the Commodore Amiga 500 and above. Then we have just been informed through the EAB forums by Tsak. That not only does this work… Continue Reading →

Trucho – Lets go fishing in this new MSX game from KAMINO!

Something for everyone this week and it continues with the latest digital and physical release of the Arcade Fishing game of ‘ Trucho ‘ by KAMINO. A new MSX game that sends you off to the rod fishing paradise of Pescatore… Continue Reading →

Timo’s Castle – A nostalgic Journey Back to Childhood Gaming on the C64 by Pixelbrei Games with publishing by Bitmap Soft (1st May)

Pixelbrei Games with publishing by Bitmap Soft, will be releasing as of May 1st ‘Timo’s Castle’ for the C64. As in the words of the website "In a nostalgic homage to the golden era of gaming, a team of passionate… Continue Reading →

Cats ‘n Critters – A new family friendly game for the C64 by NellyByte Software

If you are looking for a family friendly game with cats as the main characters, and can be played by one to two players , then you might like this latest Commodore 64 game from NellyByte Software called ‘ Cats… Continue Reading →

Kazik in the Underworld of Tema – Kazik and the Ghosts enhanced comes to the C64

We have just found out through Saberman that there has been a new release of a game called ‘Kazik in the Underworld of Tema’. Although details are sparse about the game, all we can tell is not only does it… Continue Reading →

2005 Mobile game ‘Doom RPG’ could be coming to high end Amigas!

Here we are with another special announcement, as if any of you remember the 2005 mobile phone game of ‘Doom RPG’; a game developed by Fountainhead Entertainment combining the Doom first-person shooter franchise with role-playing video game elements. Then at… Continue Reading →

Kondi Krush – Candy Crush comes to the Commodore Amiga, C64 and Plus/4

We’ve featured a number of great match’up games on Indie Retro News, games such as The Return of Traxtor and Vegetables Deluxe to name but a few. But now after searching the very depths of the gaming scene, we’ve found… Continue Reading →

EL BIGOTUDO – This new game release looks stunning for the ZX Spectrum 128k!

We’ve just been told through our ZX Spectrum Facebook group, that authors Romancha, Jerri, MmcM, Shadow Maker and Oscar Martin Garcia have released the stunning looking ZX Spectrum 128k game of ‘EL BIGOTUDO’. A game in which other sites such… Continue Reading →

Auto Amy – A new puzzle game released for the Amstrad CPC by EgoTrip

Another homebrew this week and following the same genre of a puzzler, as we were recently informed via Saberman through Facebook, that EgoTrip has released his latest game of ‘Auto Amy’; a tile moving puzzle game that can be played… Continue Reading →

Penguin Attack – A great Arcade game released by Pat Morita Team for the ZX Spectrum

Thanks to another heads up from Saberman, we’ve been told that Pat Morita Team who behind games such as Vampire Slayer, Ninjakul 2, Shovel Adventure and the brilliant Arcade like conversion of Tokimal for the ZX Spectrum. Has released the… Continue Reading →

Spinning Image – A 50 level puzzle game released by Carleton Handley for the C64

If you love playing puzzle games, then you might like to play this new game by Carleton Handley called ‘Spinning Image’ for the Commodore 64. As in the words of the creator, "Spinning Image is a game where you gradually… Continue Reading →

Mighty Street Fighter – Upcoming ‘Street Fighter’ for the Amstrad 128k gets a final trailer

If you have an Amstrad CPC 128k or a GX4000, then you are going to love this latest news story that was just sent to us by XeNoMoRPH. As thanks to the hard work of Amstrad GGP, at some point… Continue Reading →

Henry’s Castle – A nostalgic Journey Back to Childhood Gaming on the C64 by Roman Werner

Considering it’s April 1st, pretty much every new game announcement today would probably be an April Fools joke. But while the developer is adamant it isn’t. Roman Werner will be releasing as of May 1st ‘Henry’s Castle’ for the C64…. Continue Reading →

Hypernoid Zero – This Cybernoid game looks amazing on the Amstrad CPC

If you had a ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, C64, NES or Amiga, chances are you would’ve played ‘ Cybernoid ‘; a shoot ’em up published in 1987 by Hewson Consultants that is regarded by many as a great… Continue Reading →

Legend of Wilf – Hayesmaker64 latest game is now available for the Commodore 64!

We’ve recently been informed via Twitter as a heads up by Hayesmaker64, that the previously featured exclusive of ‘Legend of Wilf’, has been released via itch io; a brand new arcade adventure, with roots in classic C64 platformers as a… Continue Reading →

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